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Section 1: User Commands

Manual Pages

Section 1 of the manual describes user commands and tools, for example, file manipulation tools, shells, compilers, web browsers, file and image viewers and editors, and so on. intro(1)

0 7 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


0alias(1) 0desktop(1) 0install(1) 0launch(1) 0store-secure-add(1) 0store(1)


7z(1) 7za(1) 7zr(1)


a2p(1) a2ps(1) a2x(1) aafire(1) ab(1) abiword(1) ac(1) aclocal-1.14(1) aclocal(1) aconnect(1) adb(1) advdef(1) advmng(1) advpng(1) advzip(1) aescrypt(1) aespipe(1) afio(1) afpcmd(1) afpfsd(1) afpgetstatus(1) afpldaptest(1) afppasswd(1) afp_client(1) agrep(1) aide(1) airbase-ng(1) aircrack-ng(1) airdecap-ng(1) airdecloak-ng(1) airdriver-ng(1) aireplay-ng(1) airmon-ng(1) airodump-ng(1) airolib-ng(1) airoscript-ng(1) airpwn(1) airserv-ng(1) airsnort(1) airtun-ng(1) ajaxterm(1) aldo(1) alpine(1) alsactl(1) alsaloop(1) alsamixer(1) alsaplayer(1) amidi(1) amixer(1) amp(1) amule(1) animate(1) ansible-doc(1) ansible-playbook(1) ansible-pull(1) ansible(1) antinat(1) aplay(1) aplaymidi(1) apm(1) apxs(1) aqualung(1) ar(1) arch(1) ardour(1) arecord(1) arecordmidi(1) aria2c(1) arj-register(1) arj(1) arjdisp(1) arm(1) arora-cacheinfo(1) arora-placesimport(1) arora(1) arp-fingerprint(1) arp-scan(1) as(1) asciidoc(1) aseqdump(1) aseqnet(1) aspell-import(1) aspell(1) at(1) aterm(1) atftp(1) atq(1) atril-previewer(1) atril-thumbnailer(1) atril(1) atrm(1) attr(1) aubiocut(1) aubionotes(1) aubioonset(1) aubiopitch(1) aubiotrack(1) audacious(1) audacity(1) audtool(1) autoconf(1) autoheader(1) autom4te(1) automake-1.14(1) automake(1) autoreconf(1) autoscan(1) autossh(1) autoupdate(1) avidemux(1) awk(1) axel(1) ayttm(1)


backintime(1) base32(1) base64(1) basename(1) bash(1) bashbug(1) batch(1) bdftopcf(1) beaver(1) bison(1) blackbox(1) blkparse(1) blkrawverify(1) bluefish(1) blueman-adapters(1) blueman-applet(1) blueman-assistant(1) blueman-browse(1) blueman-manager(1) blueman-sendto(1) blueman-services(1) bno_plot(1) bsdcpio(1) bsdtar(1) bsetbg(1) bsetroot(1) btt(1) buddy-ng(1) busybox(1) bzr(1)


cal(1) card(1) cat(1) cdrecord(1) chacl(1) chage(1) chattr(1) chcon(1) chfn(1) chgrp(1) chmod(1) chown(1) chroot(1) chrt(1) chsh(1) chvt(1) cksum(1) clear(1) col(1) colcrt(1) colrm(1) column(1) comm(1) compare(1) compile_et(1) composite(1) config.guess(1) config.sub(1) conjure(1) convert(1) cookutils(1) cp(1) cpio(1) crontab(1) csplit(1) cut(1)


date(1) dbmmanage(1) dconf-editor(1) dd(1) ddd(1) deallocvt(1) decrypt(1) demandoc(1) dex(1) df(1) diff(1) dir(1) dircolors(1) dirname(1) display(1) dmesg(1) dnsdomainname(1) dnsquery(1) domainname(1) dosbox(1) du(1) dumpkeys(1)


easside-ng(1) echo(1) ed2k(1) eject(1) env(1) envy24control(1) eventd(1) eventdctl-nd(1) eventdctl(1) eview(1) evim-tiny(1) evim(1) ex(1) expand(1) expr(1)


factor(1) fallocate(1) false(1) fetchmail(1) fgconsole(1) fig2ps(1) file(1) find(1) fixps(1) flare-grab(1) flareget(1) flock(1) fmt(1) fold(1)


gawk(1) gcalccmd(1) gconftool-2(1) gencases(1) gendiff(1) get-iab(1) get-oui(1) getent(1) getfacl(1) getfattr(1) getopt(1) getty(1) gigolo(1) gimp-2.8(1) gimp(1) gimptool-2.0(1) ginstall(1) gliv(1) gnome-alsamixer(1) gnome-calculator(1) gpasswd(1) gpg-agent(1) gpg-connect-agent(1) gpg-error-config(1) gpg-preset-passphrase(1) gpg2(1) gpg(1) gpgconf(1) gpgparsemail(1) gpgsm(1) gpgv2(1) gpgv(1) gpick(1) grodvi(1) groff(1) groups(1) gsettings-data-convert(1) gsettings-schema-convert(1) gunzip(1) gview(1) gvim(1) gvimdiff(1) gzexe(1) gzip(1)


head(1) hexdump(1) hman(1) hostid(1) hostname(1) htdbm(1) htdigest(1) htmlToXBel(1) htpasswd(1) httxt2dbm(1) hunspell(1) hunzip(1) hzip(1)


i486-slitaz-linux-addr2line(1) i486-slitaz-linux-ar(1) i486-slitaz-linux-as(1) i486-slitaz-linux-c++filt(1) i486-slitaz-linux-dlltool(1) i486-slitaz-linux-elfedit(1) i486-slitaz-linux-gprof(1) i486-slitaz-linux-ld(1) i486-slitaz-linux-nlmconv(1) i486-slitaz-linux-nm(1) i486-slitaz-linux-objcopy(1) i486-slitaz-linux-objdump(1) i486-slitaz-linux-ranlib(1) i486-slitaz-linux-readelf(1) i486-slitaz-linux-size(1) i486-slitaz-linux-strings(1) i486-slitaz-linux-strip(1) i486-slitaz-linux-windmc(1) i486-slitaz-linux-windres(1) iconv(1) id(1) identify(1) iecset(1) ifnames(1) ImageMagick(1) import(1) info(1) inkscape.el(1) inkscape.ja(1) inkscape.zh_TW(1) inkscape(1) inkview(1) inotifywait(1) inotifywatch(1) install(1) intro(1) ionice(1) ipcmk(1) ipcrm(1) ipcs(1) ivstools(1)


joe(1) join(1)


kbd_mode(1) kernelversion(1) kill(1) killall(1) knotter(1) kstats(1)


last(1) lastb(1) lastcomm(1) lcdnurse(1) ldd(1) libsmfm-pref-apps(1) link(1) ln(1) loadkeys(1) locale(1) localedef(1) logger(1) login(1) logname(1) logresolve(1) look(1) lpq(1) lpr(1) lprm(1) ls(1) lsattr(1) lscpu(1) lsipc(1) lslogins(1) lv2info(1) lv2ls(1) lzop(1)


Magick++-config(1) Magick-config(1) MagickCore-config(1) MagickWand-config(1) make-ssh-known-hosts(1) make(1) makeivs-ng(1) man2html(1) man(1) mandoc(1) manServer(1) mate-about(1) mate-gsettings-toggle(1) mate-notification-properties(1) mc(1) mcedit(1) mcookie(1) mcview(1) md5sum(1) meld(1) memo(1) memusage(1) memusagestat(1) mencoder(1) mesg(1) mid3cp(1) mid3iconv(1) mid3v2(1) mkdir(1) mkfifo(1) mknod(1) mktemp(1) mk_cmds(1) moggsplit(1) mogrify(1) montage(1) more(1) mountpoint(1) mount_afp(1) mplayer(1) mt(1) mtrace(1) mutagen-inspect(1) mutagen-pony(1) mv(1)


namei(1) nano(1) Nanoshot(1) news(1) nice(1) nisdomainname(1) nl(1) nmap(1) nohup(1) nproc(1) nsenter(1) numfmt(1)


od(1) ogonkify(1) openvt(1) opera(1) osd_cat(1)


packetforge-ng(1) passwd(1) paste(1) pathchk(1) pcmanfm-qt(1) pdiff(1) pg(1) pico(1) pilot(1) pinky(1) pldd(1) plink(1) pngquant(1) postconf(1) postdrop(1) postfix(1) postkick(1) postlock(1) postlog(1) postsuper(1) pr(1) preconv(1) prezip-bin(1) printenv(1) printf(1) prlimit(1) procmail(1) pscp(1) psfaddtable(1) psfgettable(1) psfstriptable(1) psftp(1) psfxtable(1) psmandup(1) pspell-config(1) psset(1) pstree(1) pterm(1) ptx(1) putty(1) puttygen(1) puttytel(1) pwd(1)


qpdfview(1) qsseditor(1) qtractor(1) quota(1)


R(1) rb(1) readlink(1) realpath(1) rearj(1) redshift(1) rename(1) renice(1) rev(1) rgview(1) rgvim(1) RhythmCat2(1) rm(1) rman(1) rmdir(1) rnano(1) rpcgen(1) rpdump(1) rpload(1) Rscript(1) rsync(1) run-with-aspell(1) runcon(1) runuser(1) rview(1) rvim-tiny(1) rvim(1) rx(1) rz(1)


sb(1) scdaemon(1) scmxx(1) scp(1) script(1) scriptreplay(1) sed(1) seq(1) setfacl(1) setfattr(1) setleds(1) setmetamode(1) setpriv(1) setsid(1) setterm(1) sfconvert(1) sfinfo(1) sftp(1) sha1sum(1) sha224sum(1) sha256sum(1) sha384sum(1) sha512sum(1) showkey(1) shred(1) shuf(1) sleep(1) sort(1) speaker-test(1) spk(1) split(1) sprof(1) ssh-add(1) ssh-agent(1) ssh-copy-id(1) ssh-keygen(1) ssh-keyscan(1) ssh(1) startx(1) stat(1) stdbuf(1) strace(1) stream(1) stty(1) su(1) sum(1) sx(1) symcryptrun(1) sync(1) sz(1)


tac(1) tail(1) tailf(1) taskset(1) tazinst(1) tazlito(1) tazpkg(1) tazusb(1) tazweb(1) tee(1) teredo-mire(1) test(1) texi2dvi4a2ps(1) texmacs(1) Thunar(1) time(1) timeout(1) timidity(1) tkiptun-ng(1) touch(1) tr(1) true(1) truncate(1) tsort(1) tty(1)


udisksctl(1) ul(1) uname(1) unexpand(1) unicode_start(1) unicode_stop(1) uniq(1) unlink(1) unshare(1) unzstd(1) uptime(1) users(1) utmpdump(1) uuidgen(1)


vdir(1) verify_blkparse(1) view(1) vim-tiny(1) vim-tinydiff(1) vim-tinytutor(1) vim(1) vimdiff(1) vimtutor(1) vlock(1) vnstat(1) vnstatd(1) vnstati(1)


w(1) wall(1) Wand-config(1) watchgnupg(1) wc(1) wesside-ng(1) weston(1) wget(1) whereis(1) which(1) who(1) whoami(1) word-list-compress(1) wordgrinder(1)


xar(1) Xdialog(1) xf86config(1) xfce4-notifyd-config(1) xfce4-terminal(1) xinit(1) xmlstarlet(1) Xorg(1) xosd-config(1) Xserver(1) Xvfb(1) xxd(1)


yacc(1) yad(1) yandex-disk(1) yasm(1) yes(1) ypdomainname(1) ytree(1)


zbarimg(1) zcat(1) zcmp(1) zdiff(1) zenity(1) zforce(1) zgrep(1) zile(1) zim(1) zip(1) zipcloak(1) zipnote(1) ziproxy(1) ziproxylogtool(1) zipsplit(1) zless(1) zmore(1) znc-buildmod(1) znc(1) znew(1) zonecheck(1) zsh(1) zshall(1) zshbuiltins(1) zshcalsys(1) zshcompctl(1) zshcompsys(1) zshcompwid(1) zshcontrib(1) zshexpn(1) zshmisc(1) zshmodules(1) zshoptions(1) zshparam(1) zshroadmap(1) zshtcpsys(1) zshzftpsys(1) zshzle(1) zsnes(1) zssh(1) zstd(1) zstdcat(1) zsync(1) zsyncmake(1) ztelnet(1) zvbi-atsc-cc(1) zvbi-chains(1) zvbi-ntsc-cc(1) zvbid(1)
0 7 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
  1. User Commands
  2. System Calls
  3. C Library Functions
  4. Devices and Network Interfaces
  5. File Formats
  6. Games and Demos
  7. Environments, Tables, and Troff Macros
  8. Maintenance Commands

All Sections